Sunday, September 6, 2009


3LS (3-Level-Simulator) is a Java based simulator for overlay
networks that uses a central step clock. The system is separated
into three models:
1. Networked

2. Protocol

3. User

The network model is described in terms of distance between nodes in
a 2D space. The protocol model is simply the P2P protocol being used.
The user model generates input from users using a GUI or file.
Communication can only be achieved between directly connected layers.

When running the simulator it is possible to either create the models
for each of the three described levels or to select existing models
from a library. As the simulation runs, each event is displayed on
the screen. Once completed, the simulation data is stored to a file
and this data is accessed by a visualisation tool named AiSee [15].
Currently, an implementation of Gnutella 0.4 exists and has been
tested on a small network of fewer than 20 nodes.

Download Simulator: Please e-mail the creators Nyik San Ting and
Ralph Deters at the University of Saskatchewan for a copy.

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