Saturday, November 14, 2009


From the olden days of instigating drugs to patient and hoping that it gives the desired results, advancement in medical sciences have gone way beyond imagination and expectations. The recent development being the edible silicon chips. Developed by Proteus, a Redwood city, California company, the chip will be swallowed by the patient and it will assist in tracking whether the patient actually consumes the drug or not!Hold on, this is not all that it can do, there is more to it. The chip can also help to effects of the drugs which the patient consume and note the activities of it inside human body. What this technology has done to the world is, it has opened new doors in medical investigations and researches.Well, medical field seems to keeping in pace with the growth in diseases. On the technical aspects of this silicon chip, it sends signal to an external patch that will assist in monitoring essential parameters like temperature, heart rate,body angle and so on and so forth. These kind of innovations are becoming increasingly a necessity rather than an additional invention to counteract new diseases that seems to emerge almost daily from nowhere.

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